Monday, June 22, 2009

I'll always be by your side...

[Photo by Caterpillars @ Flickr]

CocoRosie: By Your Side [zshare]

This song makes me so happy. For some reason I always thought that I didn't/wouldn't like CocoRosie. But this song has been on repeat since Thursday. [Ashley should have stayed!]. It's what I imagine Aaliyah and Timb's love/crack child would sound like.

...I'd wear your black eyes
Bake you apple pies

I don't ask why

And I try not to cries...

Is the song a satire? Or is she just completely smitten? Is it romantic or creepy?

...And all I want with my life
Is to be a housewife...


Brian said...

thanks for going real obscure after that drake post. gotta balance it out

Zay said...

haha whaddya gonna do?
i gotta follow what i'm into at the time. can't help it. next up... some chungking express soundtrack tunes!!