Sunday, July 12, 2009

And the words came like a hard rain

Keeping the theme, delusions, of the last post:

Shout Out Louds: Hard Rain [zshare]

Ah, it's been a long time since I've heard this song.
Some friends and I made some pistachio & cardamom ice cream [delicious!] last week and I instantly thought of this song. And I've been listening to it since... in between watching pieces of the past Harry Potter movies on TV this weekend.
The song definitely has a BSS feel to it, which I don't see as a bad thing!
[Indie rock at its best]

It's a lovely, romantic, delusional, heart breaking 7m 26s.
You need to hear this.

I never tried,
I never dared,
I wish I'd said something.
But I've been standing outside your door,
at least that's something.
And your breath smells like cardamom.
And the words came just like a hard rain.


Sorry about the "older" songs recently. I haven't been able to update my mp3 player in a minute. So when it decides to turn on when I want it to, it's a trip down memory lane. And I'm constantly rediscovering old gems.

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